The “How’s” of Reaching and Discipling Millennials and Gen Z

Learn how to develop relationships (through consistent commitment) that can bear the weight of truth and the hard parts of life; how to invite these generations into deeper development and growth; and, how to win people…


Foundational Truths You Need to Know About Gen Z and Millennials (from a “we” perspective)

We experienced technical difficulties during the recording of this podcast. Thanks for your patience when things are noticeably re-recorded and overlaid; and, thanks for understanding that this whole…


Evangelism: Six Common Mistakes to Avoid

Today, we have the privilege of having Scott Morton with us again for part two of our Evangelism series!


Are You an Evangelist or a Sower of The Gospel?

Many Christians struggle with making disciples; they feel busy, overwhelmed, and not qualified. We understand this struggle, which is why we’ve created a Bible-based framework so any believer can master the art of disciplemaking.


Leading the Next (and Now) Generation of Disciplers

Today we will be speaking with Mark Heffentrager, Director of Camping Ministries for Eagle Lake Camps. Mark has over 21 years of experience with Eagle Lake Camps and has seen generations of campers and counselors impacted by their involvement in this ministry.


Making Disciples vs. Making Disciplemakers

In this segment, we will be speaking with Dr. Max Barnett, a professor, disciplemaker, and authority when it comes to campus ministry and reaching 20-somethings.


Living an Available Life (Part 2)

In this second segment with Skip and Buzzie Gray, we look at endurance and how it plays a huge role in living an available life.
